We are so pleased to be involved with “Pet Alert”.
It is a very sad day when we have to notify a
family member that their pet didn't make it out.
A simple notification that we are trained to look
for may have saved the family member of this
horror. Pets are definitely part of the family and
we as a community must protect them. Please
consider this valuable program. Wayne Noha,
Chief of Fire Operations, Southside Fire/EMS
and Security, Savannah, GA
"I couldn't believe it, when I came home and all I
saw was my house on fire! Fire trucks and
emergency personnel were everywhere. But I
didn't see "Primo", our dog we had for 15 years.
When I asked about our dog, none of the
firefighters knew about him or that we even had
a dog. We later found out he died in the fire from
smoke inhalation. The firefighters apologized for
our loss but they didn't know. I felt so cheated
and sad, if only they knew about my "Primo"
somebody might have saved him. I wished I had
known about Pet Alert and I encourage anyone
who owns a pet to invest the small amount to
get their kit in the interest of their little friends'
life." Sincerely, Jackie Lasey of Buena Park, CA.
“As a public safety officer, an owner of four
Labrador Retrievers and a trainer of gun dogs, I
can definitely see the benefit of this kit to
anyone who owns a pet.” Billy D. Reynolds Sr.,
Chief of Police, Richmond Hill Police
Department, Retired; Bryan County Probate
Judge Richmond Hill, GA
“The biggest benefit of the Pet Alert System is
when the pet owners are not present or
incapacitated and a pet is involved in an
emergency situation. The notification concerning
the pets and the information of who can assist is
a tremendous benefit in securing the pet, getting
the treatment that may be needed and putting
them back in contact with their owner.” Ralph
Catlett, Fire Chief of Richmond Hill Fire
Department, GA
As a firefighter for over 27 years I have
encountered pets under emergency conditions
many times and have witnessed different types
of pets getting injured or killed during fires and
other emergencies. Police and Fire encounter
pets without owners frequently when it is
necessary to enter a home. Pets similar to
humans get very excited under emergency
operations and under these conditions they are
a concern and may represent a danger of animal
attacks. On site notification of pets and where to
get assistance from a family member, friend or
veterinary will be a tremendous help to
emergency operations. The Pet Alert Emergency
Information System provides this help by stating
the amount and types of pets and then where to
call for care of the animal. The use of Pet Alert
Emergency Information System will also reduce
anxiety for the pet and eliminate the unattended
pet being sent to the local animal shelter.
Richard E. Jorgensen, Fire Chief, Retired
Fountain Valley, CA
“Pet Alert Emergency Information System” would
be a huge benefit to helping first responders
find, rescue and save pets. We recommend and
encourage pet owners to use the Pet Alert
System”. Fire Chief Howell of Bryan County
Emergency Services, GA
“As a long term Fire Chief and member of
Incident Management Teams that respond to
emergencies around the country, one issue we
always deal with is the protection of pets. The
Pet Alert Emergency Information System kit is
the most comprehensive pet safety program I
have ever seen. If all pet owners were to use this
kit first of all it would help to protect their pets,
and secondly it would help us to help them in
more ways than one. I strongly recommend the
purchase of the Pet Alert Emergency Information
System for pet owners, pets are family, so plan
ahead for their safety." Don Howard, Retired
Fire Chief, Summit Fire and Medical
Department, Flagstaff, AZ Retired
“As an experienced veterinarian, my clinic and I
have seen the aftermath of these emergencies;
from fires and natural disasters, to owners
passing away unexpectedly. I am pleased to see
that the Pet Alert Emergency Information System
includes a pet owner’s “Advance Pet Directive”
which covers these situations better than any
other system I have been associated with. This
directive is a legal document that aids us in
following and carrying out the wishes of the pet
owner and help in protecting pets by providing
predesignated adoption homes for them.
Therefore, the pets’ future is not dependent
upon their health, age, availability of adoptive
home or animal shelter practices.” Kyle
Christiansen, DVM, Cedar Animal Hospital, GA
In my Fire Service career I have witnessed the
death of pets in house fires and also the pain
this loss brings to family members. The Pet Alert
Program certainly has the potential to deal with
this concern. Lon Cahill, Fire Chief, Garden
Grove, CA
"My pets are now safer when they're HOME
ALONE thanks to Pet Alert Emergency
Information System" God Bless, Anita
Millhollin, pet owner of Riverside, CA
During 29 yrs. as a professional in the fire
service, I have encountered many pets, many
times under emergency conditions, and have
witnessed their trauma. As with humans in
emergency conditions, pets often get very
excited and/or confused and require special care
from emergency workers. Frequently emergency
workers encounter pets under these conditions
when their owners are not present. Often we are
not aware pets are involved in the emergency
until it is too late to prevent death or injury. On
site notification about your pets and the
information as to who can assist your pets (i.e.
family, friends or veterinarian) would be of
tremendous assistance. One such method, the
"PET ALERT Emergency Information System"
provides this needed information for emergency
responders on a door knob hanger. Edward
Rowlett, Fire Chief
When fire fighters respond to a structure fire or
other emergency situations, one of the most
important components related to rescue is
correct and adequate information regarding
occupants. The Pet Alert System provides the
needed information which will assist us in saving
the lives of pets, and make proper notification to
pet owners who are absent at the time of the
incident. Pet Alert makes a Fire fighter's task
much easier and safer, because with Pet Alert we
know what to expect and what to look for. Help
us to help your pet(s) by using the Pet Alert
System. G. John Parker, CA and IL Fire Chief,
“We have reviewed the Pet Alert program. It is a
great idea that helps us do our jobs more
efficiently and safer. Pets can be a very
important part of the family and it saddens us
when they are overlooked. Your program
conveniently bridges this gap. Orange County
Firemen's Association and Pomona Valley Fire
Association, CA
"Pet Alert can go far to prevent the suffering of
dogs and cats owned as companions. I hope
many of our readers will decide to promote the
Pet Alert System in their communities. Geoffrey
Handy, Editor, Shelter Sense Newsletter of
the Humane Society of the United States
Emergencies can cause pets to become very
excited, emergency services workers need to
give special care to these animals. This program
helps to educate the emergency workers and
ultimately help the pets. Because owners are
frequently away, onsite notification of pets and
where to get assistance is a tremendous help to
emergency personnel The “Pet Alert” notification
system provides this help. Gene E. Murry, Fire
Chief City of San Gabriel, CA
Congratulations Cameron on this excellent
work in creating a very user friendly
emergency reference pet manual. This is the
most comprehensive book I have read on
emergency care for the “pet owner” and
certainly covers many types of animals
concerning most pet emergency situations
and disaster evacuation procedures.
Kyle Christiansen, DVM Cedar Animal
Hospital, Richmond Hill, GA
"This is an excellent book! I highly recommend
to all pet parents - you can never be too
prepared." Pet First Aid & CPR on Facebook
In the case of an emergency, fire, or disaster,
are you prepared for your pets safety? This
book covers many important issues in 48
pages of text, photos, and illustrations. The
book has 17 chapters covering everything
from pet evacuation, vehicle safety tips, first
aid, recognizing and properly dealing with
poisoning, recognizing symptoms of shock
and distress, and much more. The book is in
an easy to follow format and clearly written.
From beginning to end I found it chock full of
very important information that can save pets
lives and offer relief for very stressful
situations. The book may not be all flashy and
glitzy but it is superbly written. I highly
recommend this book to every pet owner.
Robert Hudson www.petradioshow.com
Every pet owner should have a copy of this
book, AND follow all the suggestions in it. The
problem with an accidents is that it is
unpredictable. The problem with an
emergency is that it requires rapid response. If
you have absorbed this book, accidents and
emergencies involving your pet will be less
traumatic, and you will be more likely to
respond appropriately. Katherine Kane of
City Pet Books and Author
"Camy Thumwood's ""Guide to Pet Safety"'
answers all those scary "what if' questions
that can paralyse pet owners facing a natural
or man-made disaster with a super-useful
series of check lists, tips and safety reminders
in an easy to use format. Instead of fearing
for the safety of your pets, Camy empowers
you with ways to take action. Every pet owner
needs a copy.'' Gail Krueger, Pet issues
columnist for the Savannah Morning News
We keep this guide in our lobby to
recommend to our adopters. Every animal
owner should have this guide. If you know
someone with a pet, consider giving this as a
gift or stocking stuffer around the holidays.
Kerry Anderson, Safe Harbour Humane
Society, Kenosha, WI
This is a must have reference for any owner of
any pet whether it is a dog, cat, bird or reptile.
Every household with pets should have a copy
of the "Guide To Pet Safety”
Keith Sanderson, Chicago Animal Advocacy
Examiner and www.maxapooch.com
In my 25 years of training dogs professionally,
21 of which were for law enforcement, this is
by far the most comprehensive and easy to
understand guide I've seen on the topic. The
information provided is practical, and
addresses almost any type of threat to a pet's
safety. I especially appreciate the fact that it is
written in layman terms, so that anyone can
understand and apply the many remedies
introduced. Great job Camy!
Robert "Bob" Olson, Area Pet Training
Instructor, PetSmart Savannah, GA
"PAWsome book! Should be in the hands of all
pet parents." Pet Lover, Tony Caston
Hi Camy, I got the book and its great! I can see
how much hard work, love, and passion went
into it. I want to promote it on the Clear
Conscience Pet Facebook page where pet
parents can learn about the book and possibly
order it? Anthony Bennie, Founder &
President Clear Conscience Pet, LLC
Wilton, CT
This is a great book that really will make a
difference in avoiding a tragedy. Pets are so
much a part of our family, and it makes sense
to treat them as such when planning for an
emergency. Safety never takes a holiday...
Thanks! Shawn Weed , Journalist, GA
This book is very thorough and informative
concerning your pet’s safety and well being.
There is much useful information for the first
time pet owners and the conscientious pet
owners. It’s quite clear that the author has a
genuine concern about your pet’s safety
during emergencies and disasters. She’s
devoted a lot of time in researching pet safety,
including many interviews with rescue
professionals. I have also found information
about basic health care facts interesting and
useful. So when the unthinkable things
happen to our pets, it’s nice to have an
emergency reference handbook handy to help
us quickly make the right decisions which may
save the lives of our pets. After purchasing
this book, you may wish to buy another one
for your friends who love and care for their
pets as much as you do. It’s a great reference
book which would make a great gift too!
Thank you for sharing this valuable
information. Arden Kremenak, Pet parent,
Phoenix, Arizona
Your information is very concise and to the
point, plus the directions are very easy to
follow and understand. For owning animals
for a very long time, we were pleasantly
amazed how much information listed in this
book becomes a "new" knowledge. This book
is also very helpful for non-pet owners to
inform and prepare individuals with every
surprises. Thank you. Cengiz & Elizabeth
Arici Pet lovers, Gross Point Woods, MI
“This is by far the most thorough compilation
of information I’ve seen on pet safety. Kudos
to those at PET ALERT for a tremendous
amount of work to help pet owners have
proper information ready and where we can
use it.” Fire Chief Don Howard, Summit Fire
Department, Flagstaff, AZ
I think it is a wonderful book and is very
informative. I wish I had it several weeks ago
when my little dog buddy was very sick. I did
not know what to do with him until I could get
him to the vet and the office had to tell me on
the phone what to do, luckily I got a hold of
someone quickly. But your book would have
told me what and how to do it. I think you
covered about every animal possible. You sure
know a lot about pet safety and care. Anyone
who buys your book should be very pleased
with it. I will put mine with our emergency
supplies. Thanks for caring enough about our
pets to write it. Thanks, Anna Spence, pet
lover, Richmond Hill, GA
Congratulations on such a great and useful
book. I was very excited about it and I
forwarded this information to a bunch of my
pet owner friends. Sincerely, Diana
Hagemann-Milenkovitch, Sedona, AZ
I have known and worked with Cameron for
many years when she was the coordinator for
the Chrysler AZ proving grounds. Camy has
always had a strong love of animals and their
welfare. I proudly endorse Camy's efforts to
help pet owners be more prepared and hope
pet owners take advantage of this great book."
John Van Deren, Vehicle Engineer, Michigan
This really is an important topic that people
don't give enough thought to until its too late.
Cameron really has done an admirable job in
making planning for avoiding tragedy simple
and effective. Take action now and save your
pet before the unexpected happens...Thanks
Jodi Weed, Richmond Hill, GA
Wow: I just checked your website and I
learned so much about what we need to keep
out pets safe. You are so right "a sticker isn't
enough". Keep up the great work. And when
you are in the market for pet supplies check
us out. Can’t wait to get your book.
All pet owners should have a copy of your
book. It is a complete, accurate book of
important information. You did a professional
job...complete and accurate. Pet lover, Jean
Purcell , Richmond Hill GA
This is amazing book. You did a great job...this
book is packed with information. God Bless,
Sandy Glendye
Very knowledgeable and care great for all
pets. “5 Stars” Camy knows a lot about all
types of pets and her new book on pet safety
is a great asset for any pet owner. June Hull,
Cat lover, GA
This is a great product for all pets regarding
their safety. A must for pet owners. I have
their Pet Safety Guide and it has taught me so
much on how to keep my home pet safe.
Every concerned pet owner should have a
copy. Delisa Knighton, Teacher Albany, GA
If you love your pet and you worry about your
pets safety, you should get this book. I can see
a lot of hard work and effort went into this
product to hep us keep our pets save. Joe
Lavin, Young Town, AZ
Supported and Approved by Firefighters,Veterinarians,
Humane Societies, Pet Advocates and Pet Parents
throughout the US, Canada, UK and beyond.